Nginx lua: os.execute waitpid() failed (10: No child processes)


So, I'm trying to execute a script on every request. I know how that sounds, this is for development environment.

I've added this to my nginx config access_by_lua_file "/opt/nginx/git-magic.lua";

git-magic.lua contains local status = os.execute('/opt/nginx/')

And contains: echo hello >> /tmp/git-magic

The issue is:

Whenever I hit any URL, I get the following in the nginx error log: 2012/09/27 15:35:48 [alert] 3241#0: waitpid() failed (10: No child processes)

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

Best Answer

The lua-resty-shell claims to solve this issue by supplying a non-blocking os.execute equivalent.

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