Nginx – Maintenance page on nginx, best practices

best practicesmaintenancenginx

I want to configure the server to show a maintenance page when it exist. I tried this code and works:

location / {
    try_files /maintenance.html $uri $uri/ @codeigniter;

But I noticed it would be served with a 200 status code, and it can cause confusion to search engines. I think the best practice would be returning a 503 status code. On google I find several relevant pages about it, like this. However, they use if to make the redirect and according to nginx documentation it isn't safe to use ifs.

Is there a way of doing it without using if? Is safe to use if in this case?


Best Answer

I think the best practice would be returning a 500 status code.

I think you mean 503 instead of 500.

they use if to make the redirect and according to nginx documentation it isn't safe to use ifs.

No. Only return is 100% safe inside if in location context.

According to nginx documentation, you can specify an HTTP status code as the last argument to try_files. I've tried this but it didn't work.