Nginx make root of domain go to subfolder


I think that what I'm trying to acomplish is similar to question ( but I'll try to explain it better

so what I'm trying to do it to have the root of the domain ( rewrite to the folder, except when curr is already in the request

example1: should rewrite to

leading to the index.php located in there, serving it up (using php5-fpm for php)

example2: should just be passed along, to be able to serve up the files

example3: should also just go to it's directory

current code (not working, 500 ISE):

location / {
  try_files $uri $uri/ v1/$uri/ /curr/index.php?q=$uri&$args;

#location ~* ^/([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)$ {
#   root /webroot/www/myfolder/;
#   try_files /curr/$1;

location ^~ /p/ {
  rewrite ^/(.*)$ /curr/index.php?p=$1 last;

note: the last location here defines rewrite if a page is defined, this one works fine and should have a very similar syntax to what should work for the root dir

thanks for helping me out.

I've since also tried

location / {
  try_files @missing;

location /curr/{
  try_files $uri $uri/;

location @missing {
  rewrite ^ /curr/index.php?q=$request_uri&$args?;

according to the linked question something like this should work, but this just gives me the index page on root

I want to do this because all my subdomain folders are in the web/ folder, and I don't want those in the main website folder. I like to have everything separate & still conveniently accessible from f.e. FTP


I've got it up to the point where everything works, except '', which still renders me a 500 error


location / { rewrite ^ /curr/$uri last; }
location = / { rewrite ^ /curr/ last; }

location ^~ /curr/ {
  try_files $uri $uri/;

(please also note that using only location = / { rewrite ^ /curr/ last; } it did render the homepage correctly (but not everything else))

Best Answer

How about:

  location / {
     rewrite ^ /curr/ last;

Edit after discussion below:

#Default is to rewrite
location / { 
    rewrite ^ /curr$uri last; 

#Except if request already begins with curr...
location ^~ /curr/ {


#...OR it has a directory already (/curr/ will have matched above)
location ~ /(.*)/(.*) {


I am not convinced this is the best way to achieve whatever it is you're trying to achieve, but I think it should answer your question.

try_files won't achieve what you want I don't think (and not at all in your example as it's sending you into an infinite loop), as if index.html existed in the root, it wouldn't redirect you to /curr/ it would load up the index.html in root.