Nginx not logging any error, no starting


After trying to duplicate a nginx to another, I worry about nginx not starting.

nginx -t says that the config syntax is ok.

In nginx.conf it's told to log errors: error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;

The error.log exists and it is re-created when starting, but always empty.

After /etc/init.d/nginx start or nginx , there is no notice or error in the shell and also not a line in the error.log. Anyways, ps -A|grep nginx tells me that there is nothing started.

Where to find an error message or how to find out what went wrong.

There seems to be no "verbose" mode for nginx 🙁

Best Answer

Just type (replace the path to your conf as necessary)

nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

And it will print the error to screen.