Nginx – Php5-fpm too much memory usage nginx and ubuntu 11.04 32bit


I recently got vps with 512MB ram. I install nginx 1.2.4 with ph5-fpm and a simple wordpress installation . I currently have no traffic as its in development mode.But still It shows 495MB used and 80% of 495 is used by php5-fpm.

What could be the issue to cure this,As in apache i didn't have any problem like this.

From the first website loading php5-fpm memory usage started to increase.

I tried memory showing using python script by

It shows that max ram is used by php5-fpm.

Suggest me a way so that, my site can handle traffic as wordpress use too much resources but not this much.

Best Answer

A 512MB ram is tiny, expectations of running a "large traffic" is illogical.

Because you provided nearly no details other than how much ram your php-fpm uses on idle... I can only really suggest one thing. Try setting a lower pm.max_requests value in php-fpm settings. Like...

pm.max_requests = 100
pm.max_children = 5

If you want to understand the php-fpm settings in more detail, you can look at this post.