NGINX Proxy Setup for ws:// protocol


I am trying to setup NGINX to proxy web socket traffic. I am running a web page on NGINX (port 80) that has an MJPEG feed from port 8080 and also takes web socket traffic over port 8090. I can proxy the MJPEG stream, but not the web sockets. In my webpage, client side javascript was connecting fine without the proxy using this line:

var conn = new WebSocket('ws://');

To proxy this I tried setting up the following NGINX config:

    #Proxy the Web Socket Traffic
    location /sock/ {
        proxy_pass ws://localhost:8989/ws;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

    #Proxy the MJPEG Streamer feed
    location /mjpeg/ {
            proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/;

And then changed the client side javascript to the following:

var conn = new WebSocket('');

However when I restart of NGINX results in:

Job for nginx.service failed. See 'systemctl status nginx.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details.

If I change the proxy pass line to "proxy_pass http://localhost:8989/ws;" then the NGINX service restarts successfully but I can make a web socket connection anymore.

Is there anything else I need to configure so that NGINX will proxy to ws:// addresses? Is http:// equivalent if it is upgrading the protocol? If the latter is true, then why doesnt it work?

I notice in this post that they are using ws:// in the proxy pass statement. But it doesnt work for me NGINX: How to proxy http(s) traffic to one server and ws(s) traffic to another?

Best Answer

No nginx documentation available mentions the ws:// scheme as available to use in the config. No wonder the nginx fails to start, I bet it's the configuration error it's complaining about.

And you definitely have the correct configuration for the websockets proxy. As about why it doesn't work - it's still up to determining, this can be due to large set of reasons: nobody really listens on the tcp/8989, or some application error in the listener happens.

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