Nginx proxy to Azure storage


I am trying to setup an nginx reverse proxy for Azure blob storage. I'm using the nginx:1.13.9-alpine image, and I have a simple proxy_pass configured like this:

location /container {
  proxy_pass    ;
  proxy_set_header        Host  

However, it doesn't quite work. A direct request to the storage account works, so I know the SAS token is good:

curl -v "<sig>"

But using the same token through the proxy always returns a 403:

curl -v "<sig>"
< HTTP/1.1 403 Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.

In the server logs I just see: - - [06/Apr/2018:04:07:30 +0000] "GET /container/file?st=2018-04-02T01%3A57%3A00Z&amp;se=2018-04-11T01%3A57%3A00Z&amp;sp=rl&amp;sv=2015-12-11&amp;sr=b&amp;sig=<sig> HTTP/1.1" 403 621 "-" "curl/7.54.0" "-"

I've seen some conflicting advice about needing to include $is_args, etc, but none of it seems to work. The same nginx instance proxies several other resources through other paths, all of which work as expected. What am I missing?


I believe this is related to encoded characters like %2f in the url path. Azure Storage in this case is being used as the backend for a Docker Registry, and it likes to give blobs names like %2fdocker/registry/v2/blobs/sha256/e7/e7c1ef..ced394/data. If I add a sample blob in the container without the leading %2f, everything works as expected.

Best Answer

This is what finally worked:

location /files/ {
    if ($request_uri ~* "/files/(.*)") {

I have no idea why the resolver is needed, given that other locations resolve OK. It only seems to become a requirement when the proxy_pass command contains a variable.

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