Nginx proxy_no_cache doesn’t work


I am trying to set up a caching reverse proxy with 2 conditions; if either is met, it shouldn't be storing the file from origin:

  • partial-content request
  • request with query string

As configured below, I got nginx to NOT store partial-content requests.
However, it is still storing requests with query string. What am I missing here?

curl -r 1000-2000 [OK. No file stored.]
wget [Not OK. abcdef.dat stored on edge.]

location /data/ {
    set $originuri /origin$uri$is_args$args;
    errorpage 404 = $originuri;

location /origin/ {
    proxy_store /mnt1/edge/store;
    proxy_temp_path /mnt1/edge/tmp;
    proxy_set_header If-Range $http_if_range;
    proxy_set_header Range $http_range;
    proxy_no_cache $http_range $http_if_range $is_args;

Best Answer

If I'm reading your configuration right, when you pass the request to the origin location for proxying, you're building a URI string which doesn't include a GET query string (i.e. you're flattening the $args). If that's what's happening, it would explain why the origin location isn't seeing $is_args as true.

This is a hunch on my part - I'd want to look at the request logs to see if it's correct.

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