Nginx redirect based on key word in arguments


I'm very new to nginx (1 day or so) and we are using it as a reverse proxy for a few applications. We are going to add another app which will process a small subset of existing requests. I'm trying to intercept urls which hit the cod/articles API and contain in the arguments, and then send these requests and their arguments to this new app which I have stubbed for now as its not ready.

I'd like to leave all other requests alone ie API is not "/cod/acticles", request does not contain in the arguments.

Example url which should be sent to the new app.


Example urls which should not be sent.


Note: …. just means theres other arguments

Below is my current config in Nginx. It appears to do the "intercepting" but there are a couple of things which look wrong to me.

Firstly, I believe using "if" is not ideal, and there might be better ways of doing this. But I have not been successful matching the arguments section.

Secondly, the nginx access logs show 3 requests for a matching url. x2 301 responses, and 1 200 response. Is this expected? If so is there a better way to do this so that there is only 1 request, as it seems like i've created addtional load for nginx.

#existing config for all /mdata/transfer/* APIs
location /mdata/transfer/ {
        add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
        allow all;
        proxy_pass        http://mds;

#static page which acts as a stub end point for testing.
location /proxyapp {
        root /opt/www;

#new config where I try to intercept /mdata/transfer/customer/cod/articles API with contained in the arguments.
location ~ /mdata/transfer/customer/cod/articles {
        set $cst_proxy mds/mdata/transfer/customer/cod/articles;
        if ($args ~ "") {
                set $cst_proxy localhost/proxyapp;
        proxy_pass http://$cst_proxy$is_args$args;
        proxy_redirect off;

Best Answer

Solved it with the following code

   upstream proxy-app {

upstream mds {

location /mdata/transfer/CUSTOMER/cod/articles {
        add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
        set $cst_proxy mds;
        if ($args ~ "") {
                set $cst_proxy proxy-app;
        proxy_pass http://$cst_proxy;
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