Nginx restart single host without affecting other


My nginx.conf has two different server blocks, one pointing to the main site and the other to my api server. Now whenever I deploy something to either one of them, and stop the server it stops both these servers. Is there a way to stop/restart one particular server without disturbing the other one?


I've been doing it wrong. I should not be restarting nginx. In my case all I wanted was Passenger to recogonize my code changes and refresh. Simply creating a tmp/restart.txt file inside the Rails.root directory did the trick for me.

For anyone facing the same issue, create an empty file tmp/restart.txt in your root path and every time that you want to deploly simply touch it.

touch tmp/restart.txt

For more details, check

Best Answer

No, there is no option to restart individual virtual server instances. However, there shouldn't even be any need to do that when app server is upgraded.

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