Nginx – Reverse proxy a remote IMAP/SMTP server with NGINX


Is it possible to reverse proxy a remote (managed by another company, think Google Apps or Office 365) SMTP/IMAP server through NGINX? Example:

I host, and use to host my mail. I tried adding 2 CNAME records on to accomplish this, but it didn't work. [ ->, etc]

Preferably, I want one subdomain (, pointing to both and, differentiating between the two using ports. [ ->, ->]

Is this possible? The only reason I want to do it is to make setting up mail clients easier for my website's users, and to stop confusion when asking why I am asking them to connect to a seemingly random domain to get emails. I understand this may cause some problems with DKIM etc.

Is this task easy, more hassle than it is worth or impossible? I'm capable of setting up a mail server, but would rather use a ready solution.

Best Answer

In my opinion the NGINX mail proxy server guide lacks of one very important information that was necessary for me to get something similar working:

Using a PHP Script on an Apache Server as the IMAP Auth Backend

I spent some weeks to find a working solution as mocking the auth service was not working properly for me. After disabling all SSL features and adding the auth php script I was finally able to receive emails with IMAP via the NGINX proxy.

One Problem that still exists for SMTP is: NGINX doesn't forward the auth command to the server:,58181,58186#msg-58186.

Therefore disabling auth for SMTP is necessary to make use of NGINX mail proxy. If someone finds a workaround please post the solution here:

Here are some related links to the topic I want to share:

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