Nginx rewrite location internally to serve static content


I'm trying to serve static content from an endpoint that differs in hierarchy structure than the actual root directory structure. This is the result I'm trying to achieve: -> /home/ubuntu/Claw/public/scripts/main.js

I'm using the following Nginx configuration:

location ~ ^/Claw/(images/|styles/|scripts/) {
    root /home/ubuntu/Claw/public;
    access_log off;
    expires max;

This is failing as /home/ubuntu/Claw/public/Claw/scripts/main.js doesn't exist. Therefore I need to remove the prefixed Claw from the location internally. How can I go about doing this?

I want this structure so I can host multiple Node apps from different endpoints on the same domain.

Best Answer

Try this:

location ~ ^/Claw/(?<subdir>images|styles|scripts)/(?<file>.*) {
    alias /home/ubuntu/Claw/public/$subdir/$file;
    access_log off;
    expires max;

It seems that nginx doesn't pass variables captured into numbered variables from location directive to inside the block. When the variables are given names, then they work.