Nginx – rule of thumb for estimating size of keys_zone for nginx reverse proxy


I'm using nginx as a reverse proxy, but trying to figure out how large I should set the 'keys_zone' attribute on the 'proxy_cache_path' directive. The only advice on determining that size that I have found is

However this does not sound right to me as 'max_size / (average file size)' seems like way overkill.

Isn't keys_zone just the metadata for the cached file on disk? therefore, the size of a given entry should be really small. Is there any way to do a 'get' on an entry in the zone so I can see how much space a given entry is taking up?

Best Answer


Zone size should be set proportional to number of pages to cache. The size of the metadata for one page (file) depends on the OS; currently it is 64 bytes for FreeBSD/i386, and 128 bytes for FreeBSD/amd64.