Nginx – Separate Nginx access log file for certain requests only


As far as I can see Nginx supports by default 2 log files: error_log (tracks issues related to the Nginx server itself) and access_log (tracks requests processed by Nginx). Whilst it is possible to control the format of access_log with the log_format directive, I have been unsuccessful at finding a way of logging only certain requests to a separate file, and therefore would like to ask the question on SF as a reference for future readers:

Is there a way to log certain requests to a different log file than the one defined by access_log?

FYI the reason behind this question is that I have a rule that denies access to unwanted crawlers with a 200 (because 403 would give them a hint that they're being blocked), and filtering those requests out of the access_log becomes more difficult.

Best Answer

cjc put me on the right track. Using access_log in an if statement by itself is not possible (You get a nginx: [emerg] "access_log" directive is not allowed here error). So the workaround is as follows:

if ($http_user_agent ~* (crawler) ) {
  set $crawler 'yes';
location ~ .* {
  if ($crawler = 'yes') {
    access_log /var/log/nginx/blockedbots.log;
    return 200;