Nginx sever not handling 404 from upstreams


In my setup ,
I have a nginx server as a reverse proxy for my tomcat application servers.
I use proxy_pass to connect to tomcat upstreams ..

location /test {
         proxy_pass http://upstream1/webapp1/gateway

Now if some one fires a request to my nginx server , this request is also handled by the test location and passed to the tomcat instance.

The tomcat instance returns a 404,but nginx is not handling this 404 request . ( I already have pages defined for 404 in nginx level) ,instead the browser show the page directly from tomcat(with tomcat version information and all) .
How can i block this. I dont want to expose my application server details.

thanks in advance

Best Answer

You have to tell nginx to intercept upstream errors with proxy_intercept_errors directive.

location /test {
    proxy_pass http://upstream1/webapp1/gateway;
    proxy_intercept_errors on;
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