Nginx – Should I set diffie helman parameters for nginx ssl


I have set up nginx with ssl. Everything works perfectly, with online tools giving the domain a good score.

Now I am wondering about one particular nginx configuration option; ssl_dhparam. Should I generate and set these parameters? Does it have any influence on security or computational load of ssl?

Best Answer

Should I generate and set these parameters?


Does it have any influence on [the] security...of ssl?

Yes, when enabling Perfect Forward Secrecy. An appropriate ciphersuite must also be configured.

If a future attacker compromises your TLS, with PFS past traffic they intercepted and retained still cannot be decrypted.

Generate a DHE prime no smaller than your SSL certificate RSA private key. Given a 2048 bit private key:

$ openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 2048
Generating DH parameters, 2048 bit long safe prime, generator 2

Does it have any influence on [the]...computational load of ssl?

Too little to worry about.

Google I/O 2014 had a good HTTPS Everwhere talk which covered these and related topics in a broad fashion.

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