Nginx – TLS/SSL – Does SNI Have a Limit on Number of Domains Running on Nginx


SNI (Server Name Indication) is an extension to the TLS/SSL protocol, allowing the webserver to serve multiple domains on the same IP, all with different SSL server certificates. SNI discovers the SSL certificate appropriate for the domain/URL they are asking for. Before SNI, all vhosts listening on the same IP & port had to be presented with the same SSL certificate.

Anyone know if there's a limit to the number of domains that I can have serving on the same IP?

With standard http, there is no limit. I just specify a different vhost for each domain, and the webserver matches the client's "Host:" header to the matching server_name or server_alias vhost. SNI works similarly, but matches SSL certificates and there could be hundreds on one IP. I wonder if anyone knows if SNI has a limit or performs slowly with hundreds of certificates on the same IP.

Best Answer

SNI is essentially the same as the Host header in HTTP. The main difference is that the Host header is only inside the HTTP request and thus can only be seen by the web server after the TLS handshake is already successfully finished. The SNI extension instead is send within the ClientHello, i.e. the initial message sent by the client inside the TLS handshake. The server then extracts the SNI extension from the TLS handshake to find the matching configuration (which includes the certificate) the same way as it extracts the value of the Host header to find the matching configuration.

Based on this there should be no qualitative difference and no additional limit with SNI vs Host header. But there will be some quantitative difference in that more memory will be needed with SNI compared to only Host header: additionally to the HTTP part of the configuration also the SSL part needs to be kept in memory, i.e. specifically the certificate, certificate chain and private key.