Nginx – Ubuntu 18.04.1 hangs regularly


I have some Ubuntu 18.04.1 virtual machines installed on VMWare ESXi 6.5, all of them have 3 core, 3GB ram, attached to a SAS Storage array.

The servers are running nginx 1.14.0 as reverse proxy for 3-5 vhosts. ufw is enabled to allow SSH from LAN IP's and http/https from the rest.

When I turn off ufw, The server randomly has one core on 100%, and becomes unresponsive on the console, but also does not respond on web-requests anymore. This also happens sometimes when ufw is enabled, but way less often.

What could happen that the server does this? And how to avoid it from happening again ?

VMWare ESXi monitoring on CPU

Output of iptables-save

Best Answer

The issue appeared to be a known bug with VMWare ESXi 6.5.0 in combination with the VMXNET3 driver.

Following VMWare KB2151480 resolved the issue.