Nginx unix domain socket error


I use fedora 17, and when I setup nginx with uwsgi using unix domain socket, when I place the socket in a directory with proper permission it's ok, but when I place the socket in the /tmp it will cause nginx error:

connect() to unix:/tmp/MySite.sock failed (2: No such file or directory) while connecting to upstream

The file does exist and has read/write permission for nginx user. But what cause this error, its really drive me crazy, can somebody figure it out.

Best Answer

You can't place sockets intended for interprocess communication in /tmp.

For security reasons, recent versions of Fedora use namespaced temporary directories, meaning every service sees a completely different /tmp and can only see its own files in that directory.

To resolve the issue, place the socket in a different directory, such as /run (formerly known as /var/run).