Nginx – Varnish, Nginx, Apache, APC, Meteor, Cpanel & WordPress On A Single Server, Any Good


Yes, I have read many close questions, but I needed a specific answer and hence this question.

First, these are my new server specifications: Linux Server (CentOS), Intel Xeon 3470 Quad Core (2.93GHz x 4) processor, 4 GB DDR3 Memory, 1TB Hard Disk Space, 10 TB Bandwidth and 9 Dedicated IPs.

AIM: To speed up my wordpress blog + Increase server's capacity to handle heavy load

PLAN: This is how I am planning to setup my server – – VARNISH (in the front, to cache server responses) >> NGINX (to effectively handle static content & overcome the C10k problem) >> APACHE (behind Nginx, to effectively deliver dynamic content) >> APC (PHP page, database & object caching) >> CPANEL (which requires Apache, and I require it) >> WORDPRESS >> W3 TOTAL CACHE (caching plugin for WordPress).

So , will the setup work? Have anyone tried it? Please shower your thoughts and knowledge.

NOTE: I can't do without Apache because I am used to that .htaccess & Cpanel stuff. So, it's not any option. All others are options. Please try to help.

I hope I am clear in what I wanted to ask.

Best Answer

This looks like a classic case of premature optimization. Are you currently having capacity problems with Wordpress? I would start with a simpler setup of just Apache, APC, and Wordpress and see what you need. If you aren't hitting the C10K problem there is no need to solve it at this time. If you aren't serving a large amount of static content, you probably don't need to setup Varnish.