Nginx – what port should I open for thesql master-master replication


I have two servers running php5-fpm and a load balancer running nginx, the three servers share /var/www/drupal using nfs. nfs is working correctly.
I replicated the two servers' database using mysql master master replication.
everything was working fine till I added my iptables rules.
In my iptables script, I first drop all chains then I accept the ones I want, other than that there are no other drop statements.
I opened port 3306 for mysql replication like this : (the rule is on both servers )

iptables -A INPUT  -p tcp -s $ip_Of_Other_Server  --dport  3306 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d $ip_Of_Other_Server  --sport  3306 -j ACCEPT

The problem is, when I run both servers and I try to log in using my account on drupal it doesn't log in although I find a successful log in attempt in drupal logs.
When I run only one server of them I can log in normally.
when I allow everything in my iptables rules it works normally.
I believe there's some port I need to open using iptables for the replication to work correctly but I can't find which one to open.

Best Answer

I just needed to open the outgoing connections :

iptables -A OUTPUT  -p tcp -d $ip_Of_Other_Server  --dport  3306 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT   -p tcp -s $ip_Of_Other_Server  --sport  3306 -j ACCEPT
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