Nginx. Wild card Alias location. Is it possible


Using the example regarding how to use sub directory aliases, I've noticed it does not mention how to do it dynamically.

In the following example…

location ~ ^/download/(.*)$ {
  alias /home/website/files/$1;

…the request "/download/book.pdf" will return the file "/home/website/files/book.pdf". Note again that only part of the request URI after the location is appended to the path defined by alias.

If I'm creating a folder labeled the username that the user created once signing up, then this folder name would always be unique and different. How do I alter the regex in the example above so that the word download also becomes a wild card sub directory?

location ~ ^/randomusername/(.*)$ {
  alias /home/website/profiles/randomusername/$1;

Best Answer

You need a little background about regex.

Please try the code below and see if it helps.

location ~ ^/([^/]+)/([^/?]+)$ {
  alias /home/website/profiles/$1/$2;
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