Nginx Configuration – Adding Content-Security-Policy to Every Location Block


Environment: Nginx, Node.js, Digital Ocean Droplet

The docs for the add_header directive indicate that it can be used in an http, server or location context.

However when I add my content-security-policy to either the http or server context it isn't detected when I test it at or
When I add it to a location block both sites detect it.

Example header:

add_header content-security-policy "default-src 'self';"

My nginx.conf has 5 location blocks, one being used as a proxy. Do I need to add content-security-policy to every block or is there a better way?

location ~* \.(jpg|png|svg|webp|ico)$ { }
location ~* \.(css)$ { }
location ~* \.(htm|html)$ { }
location ~* \.(js)$ { }
location / {

Also do I need to add all of my other main security headers to each block? It seems redundant but if that's the only way to secure the site I'll do it.

Best Answer

The add_header directive has an interesting property. From the documentation:

There could be several add_header directives. These directives are inherited from the previous configuration level if and only if there are no add_header directives defined on the current level.

This means if you are adding other headers in one of those location blocks, then any add_header directives from the server or http blocks would need to be repeated.

Consider using included files to organize directives like this that you may need to repeat.