Nmap find all alive hostnames and IPs in LAN


How can I issue a nmap command that shows me all the alive machines' IP addresses and corresponding hostname s in the LAN that I am connected?
(if this can be done in another way/tool you surely are welcome to answer)

Best Answer

nmap versions lower than 5.30BETA1:

nmap -sP 192.168.1.*

newer nmap versions:

nmap -sn 192.168.1.*

This gives me hostnames along with IP adresses, and only pings the hosts to discover them. This will only give you the hostnames if you run it as root.

EDIT: As of Nmap 5.30BETA1 [2010-03-29] -sP has been replaced with -sn as the preferred way to do ping scans, while skipping port scanning, just like the comments indicate:

Previously the -PN and -sP options were recommended. This establishes a more regular syntax for some options that disable phases of a scan:

  • -n no reverse DNS
  • -Pn no host discovery
  • -sn no port scan