No –wait or –no-async when creating Google Cloud container node pool


I'm using Google Cloud / Google Container Engine, and I have infrastructure scripts where I create a cluster and node pools and then perform operations on the node pools once they're setup.

In my scripts, I need to make sure that the node pools are setup and the cluster is in a ready state before proceeding.

It appears that the gcloud container node-pools create command has no --wait or --no-async option, unlike the very similar gcloud container node-pools delete. Is there such an option for create? Else, is there a recommended way to "wait" until the node pool is ready?

I believe in my bash scripts, after creating a node pool, I can do a while loop, periodically checking the value of e.g. gcloud container clusters describe myclustername --zone myzone | tail -n 2 | grep "status" | awk '{print $2}' until I get "RUNNING" back, but perhaps there is a more elegant approach?

(It would be nice to have parity in options for creating and deleting node pools!)

Best Answer

As of this writing the gcloud container node-pools create command is sync by default but doesn't have an --async or --no-wait option. This isn't so bad from a shell scripting perspective as it's easy enough to background a command, and would solve your particular issue.

An alternative to deal with the original behavior would have been to use --log-http to grab the operation ID and feed it to gcloud container operations wait (which is a bit messy and requires scraping the output). This suggests another feature which would be nice to have, which is for async commands to echo the operation ID.

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