NoSQL databases for PHI


Are the fast, document-based NoSQL solutions–MongoDB, Cassandra, CouchDB, etc–appropriate for PHI data? They have performance advantages compared to RDBMS for sure, but in general appears less mature.

I started designing a system based on MongoDB, but reading about the recent controversies in Reddit and Hacker News surrounding allegations of data loss with MongoDB gave me pause…

The controversy claimed MongoDB (appears to be one of the most popular NoSQLs) actually lost data. The implication is that with the many years of experience with RDBMSs, MySQL or PostgreQL are safer bets.

With the higher technical and regulatory requirements in healthcare, how much confidence can I really place on MongoDB?

Has anyone had success with using these database solutions in projects requiring HIPAA compliance?

Best Answer

I don't see why it would be a problem. Actually, I'd say the largest part of healthcare IT runs on a NoSQL solution called MUMPS. You'd just have to be careful how it was implemented, but the argument for using a NoSQL solution actually makes a lot of sense in healthcare. You can read more about MUMPS and it possibly being replaced by the above NoSQL solutions you mention:

I'm sure many would love for MUMPS to be gone and one of the solutions you described be put in place. Although, up until now I can't say I've seen anyone do it yet.

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