Not able to start “Forefront Identity Manager Service”


I have SharePoint 2010 installed on my machine. For synchronizing user profiles I am trying to start "Forefront Identity Manager Service".

But, when I click on start, it says the following message:

The Forefront Identity Manager Service
service on WINSP02 started and then
stopped. Some services stop
automatically if they are not in use
by other services or programs.

Can anyone please help me in starting this windows service?

Update: This is a SharePoint Single Server Farm and Forefront Identity Manager Service is running with a domain account who is farm administrator and local administrator.

Best Answer

You shouldn't need to start those services manually - SharePoint will do everything itself when you start the User Profile Sync service in Central Administration as at that point it will configure a number of different things.

It can take a good 10 minutes to actually start up as there's a number of timer jobs that need to complete.

If it never starts up it's usually indicative of a an issue with the account set to use the service.

This technet article covers everything I used to get mine running.