Novell Cluster services monitoring with Nagios


I am trying to find plugins or configuration settings to monitor Novell clustered services and was wondering if anyone has done this before or has any info they can share

The system I am trying to monitor runs as two servers accessing configuration files stored on a NAS which in turn presents LUNS using iSCSI over a VLAN. All connections etc work, I am just after getting Nagios to monitor the cluster status, right now we monitor the servers using Nagios with simple ping and standard setting for linux Nagios config so we know if the server is up but we don't know anything regarding the services.

Here is what we currently run for clustered service

Both servers are running Novell OES (Open Enterprise Server) on SLES (Suse Linux Enterprise Server)

Clustered services are (the config files are on the NAS VLAN)

  • iFolder
  • iPrint
  • Netstorage
  • nativehome (shared area for linux desktop home directories)
  • DNS
  • DHCP
  • Number of shared areas for users on windows xp desktop

We have a LAMP server running Nagios Version 3.1.2 which is working a treat for basic connection tests to servers, switches and printer but I would like to make it do more

Hope that all makes sense and sorry if its already been posted elsewhere, I could not find anything for Novell clustered services.

Best Answer

For DNS/DHCP, you can use the existing Nagios plugins from your Nagios server to check that they're DNS-ing and DHCP-ing properly. If your cluster's running on SLES, you should be able to install the Nagios plugins and NRPE on the SLES servers, then monitor that with check_nrpe on the Nagios box. That will let you check mount points, running processes, etc.