NPS wont run or install, error code 0x80070643


Installing NPS results in the error below:

attempt to install network policy server failed with error code 0x80070643 fatal error during installation

The SBS server ran an update on Friday and since then, NPS has not worked. I have checked permissions on system32\IAS and the builtin OU, but still cannot run NPS. My last attempt to remove and reinstall has now left the machine unable to install NPS at all!

Has anyone seen this or have a direction to suggest? Google has shown other people haven't been able to resolve it.

The server manager log shows the below:

[CbsUIHandler] Error: -2147023293 : 2011-03-08 09:41:20.515 
[CbsUIHandler] Terminate: 2011-03-08 09:41:20.515 
[CBS] Error (Id=0) Function: 'NativeMethods.GetPackageStatus(out status)' 80070643 (-2147023293) 2011-03-08 09:41:20.515
[CBS] ...done installing 'IAS NT Service '. Status: -2147023293 (80070643) 2011-03-08 09:41:20.515
[InstallationProgressPage] Verifying installation... 2011-03-08 09:41:20.546 
[Provider] Skipped configuration of 'NetworkPolicyServer' because install operation failed.

Best Answer

I was able to resolve this issue by executing "sfc.exe /scannow"