Nslookup requests time out regardless of server – ping is fine


I've been having intermittent internet connection issues for a week or so now. I now suspect that these are just DNS issues rather than connection issues.

At the moment I can ping google.co.uk no problem at all ( but I can't use nslookup to resolve google.co.uk (this is still running from earlier when I limited connectivity using -t. If I try it now name doesn't resolve).

My standard configuration is to use google's public DNS servers but I have tried a few others from this list: http://pcsupport.about.com/od/tipstricks/a/free-public-dns-servers.htm

I always get a

DNS request timed out
    timeout was 2 seconds

my command is:

nslookup google.co.uk

On my laptop (currently connected through my phone's 4G) this worked fine.

Web pages for ip addresses work fine and really fast through home broadband. I just can't seem to resolve any IP addresses.

Unfortunately I don't get any support from my ISP at the weekends.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Best Answer

Had the same thing happening to me, able to ping external hostnames but nslookup gave nothing but the '2 second' timeouts.

In my case it turned out to be the firewall software (TinyWall). As soon as I disabled it, nslookup started working.

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