NTP maxpoll limits


Regarding NTP's maxpoll configuration attribute, many resources state:

The maximum poll interval defaults to 10 (1,024 s), but can be
increased by the maxpoll option to an upper limit of 17 (36.4 h)

However I couldn't find references for hacing it lower than the defaul value of 10 (1,024s). Can it be set for a lower value? say to 6?

Best Answer

According to the ntp.conf(5) man page, the lowest value of maxpoll is 4. This setting requires that minpoll is set to 3.

minpoll minpoll, maxpoll maxpoll

These options specify the minimum and maximum poll intervals for NTP messages, in seconds as a power of two. The maximum poll interval defaults to 10 (1,024 s), but can be increased by the maxpoll option to an upper limit of 17 (36.4 h). The minimum poll interval defaults to 6 (64 s), but can be decreased by the minpoll option to a lower limit of 4 (16 s). These option are valid only with the server and peer commands.

Edit: This is how it is implemented in ntp-4.2.6p5/ntpdc/ntpdc_ops.c:1433:

if (minpoll < NTP_MINPOLL || minpoll > NTP_MAXPOLL ||
    maxpoll < NTP_MINPOLL || maxpoll > NTP_MAXPOLL ||
    minpoll > maxpoll) {
        fprintf(fp, "***min/max-poll must be within %d..%d\n",
                NTP_MINPOLL, NTP_MAXPOLL);
        res = TRUE;

Where NTP_MINPOLL is 3 and NTP_MAXPOLL is 17.