NTP time sync not working in a DOMU Centos 5.5 server


I have a Xen Centos 5.5 server with ntpd working in virtual server.

NTP time sync seems not working.

I have disabled any firewall.

my grep -i ntpd /var/log/messages output:

Apr  1 16:15:47 posadadelpuerto ntpd[17635]: ntpd 4.2.2p1@1.1570-o Sat Dec 19 00:56:13 UTC 2009 (1)
Apr  1 16:15:47 posadadelpuerto ntpd[17636]: precision = 1.000 usec
Apr  1 16:15:47 posadadelpuerto ntpd[17636]: Listening on interface wildcard, Disabled
Apr  1 16:15:47 posadadelpuerto ntpd[17636]: Listening on interface wildcard, ::#123 Disabled
Apr  1 16:15:47 posadadelpuerto ntpd[17636]: Listening on interface eth0, fe80::216:36ff:fe5e:53f3#123 Enabled
Apr  1 16:15:47 posadadelpuerto ntpd[17636]: Listening on interface lo, ::1#123 Enabled
Apr  1 16:15:47 posadadelpuerto ntpd[17636]: Listening on interface lo, Enabled
Apr  1 16:15:47 posadadelpuerto ntpd[17636]: Listening on interface eth0, Enabled
Apr  1 16:15:47 posadadelpuerto ntpd[17636]: kernel time sync status 0040
Apr  1 16:16:15 posadadelpuerto ntpd[17636]: frequency initialized 0.000 PPM from /var/lib/ntp/drift

Thanks for any help


Best Answer

By default the time of (pv) DomUs is linked against the time of the Dom0. So get your time right on the Dom0 and don't bother about ntp on the (para-virtualized) DomUs.