NVIDIA Tesla K20C in Dell PowerEdge R720xd — power cables


I am trying to put an NVIDIA Tesla K20C into a Dell PowerEdge R720xd. I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the power requirements of the card.

First, here is a picture of two pages of the same manual, which seems contradictory to me. One page says only a single connector is required, while the next page says both are required. The entire manual for the card can be found here: http://www.nvidia.com/content/PDF/kepler/Tesla-K20-Active-BD-06499-001-v02.pdf

enter image description here

Here is an photo taken of the power connections on the card:

enter image description here

And here is a photo of where those connectors need to go, onto the PCI-E riser of the r720xd:

enter image description here

Neither the R720xd NOR the GPU came with the necessary cables. And given what appears to be a contradiction in the GPU manual (above), I'm not even sure at this point what we actually need. I have searched high and low online for things like 2×6 pin PCI-E to 8 pin male-to-male and so on, and for the life of me cannot find what we need.

In case anyone needs it, the owner's manual of the R720xd can be found here: ftp://ftp.dell.com/Manuals/all-products/esuprt_ser_stor_net/esuprt_poweredge/poweredge-r720xd_Owner%27s%20Manual_en-us.pdf The relevant page is page 68, which clearly indicates that the 8-pin female port on the riser card is for a GPU.

The bottom line question: exactly what power cables do we need to buy, and where can we find them?

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