OCS 2007: Issues with /LiveServer/MCUFactory


I'm not really an Office Communications Server expert, but just trying to resolve some seemingly minor issues with a new install…

The following error is occurring in the OCS event log, and when I try to visit https://servername:444/LiveServer/MCUFactory in Internet Explorer to test the address, I just get a "page cannot be displayed" error. I can telnet to port 444 on the server and verify that the port is open and listening. Any ideas?

Event Type: Error
Event Source:   OCS MCU Infrastructure
Event Category: (1022)
Event ID:   61013
Date:       7/28/2009
Time:       8:47:42 AM
User:       N/A
Computer:   COMM2
The process DataMCUSvc(1284) failed to send health notifications to the MCU factory at https://servername:444/LiveServer/MCUFactory/. 
Failure occurrences: 29, since 7/28/2009 8:40:27 AM.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.

Best Answer

Here's a MS Forums post where someone claims to have resolved this by removing extraneous root CA certs. I'd be a little wary on that one, but hey...

Here's another one that says to check things like cert trusts and that the cert is enabled for all purposes.

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