OCSP verification fails in Strongswan (IKEv2)


I've managed to set up an IPsec connection between two (virtual) hosts in transport mode and now I want the server to validate the client's certificate with OCSP. In a third host, I've run an OCSP responder (openssl ocsp -port 80 ...). I can see how the server is able to reach the OCSP, send a query and get a reply, but finally the verification fails.

Here's what the logs say in the server (the IPsec responder):

charon: 01[CFG] checking certificate status of "C=ES, ST=Gipuzkoa, L=Donostia-San Sebastian, O=Tecnalia, CN=client@localhost"
charon: 01[CFG]   requesting ocsp status from 'http://ocsp.localhost' ...
charon: 01[CFG]   using trusted ca certificate "C=ES, ST=Gipuzkoa, L=Donostia-San Sebastian, O=Tecnalia, CN=Tecnalia Root CA"
charon: 01[CFG]   reached self-signed root ca with a path length of 0
charon: 01[CFG]   using trusted certificate "C=ES, ST=Gipuzkoa, L=Donostia-San Sebastian, O=Tecnalia, CN=ocsp.localhost"
charon: 01[CFG]   using certificate "C=ES, ST=Gipuzkoa, L=Donostia-San Sebastian, O=Tecnalia, CN=ocsp.localhost"
charon: 01[CFG] no issuer certificate found for "C=ES, ST=Gipuzkoa, L=Donostia-San Sebastian, O=Tecnalia, CN=ocsp.localhost"
charon: 01[CFG] ocsp response verification failed
charon: 01[CFG] ocsp check failed, fallback to crl

For convenience I've replicated the same certificate files in all the hosts (output trimmed):

/etc/ipsec.d# ls -lR

total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1367 Nov  2 09:53 ca.cert.pem

total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1432 Nov  2 09:53 client.cert.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1700 Nov  2 09:53 localhost.cert.pem

total 0

total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1379 Nov 10 09:32 ocsp.cert.pem

It is a very simple path where a CA (ca.cert.pem) signs all the certificates – the server certificate (localhost.cert.pem), the client one (client.cert.pem) and the one used by the OCSP responder (ocsp.cert.pem).

This is what I have in the server's ipsec.conf:

ca strongswan-ca

I think everything is around that nasty "no issuer certificate found" error, but so far can't tell why is that happening. If I query the OCSP responder with openssl it doesn't give any verification errors.

Best Answer

Well, turns out that this

For convenience I've replicated the same certificate files in all the hosts

and this

If I query the OCSP responder with openssl it doesn't give any verification errors

were, well, false. At some point I messed up my keys and the OCSP cert/key were different in the OCSP server than in the other machines. So @ecdsa is totally right in their comment.

Everything's fine with my posted configuration and once I regenerated all the keys and certs again everything worked fine.