Office 2007 network share access denied


Hope I have not duplicated an issue already posted but I could not find anything from the search…

Right here is the problem, we have recently updated all our desktops to the MS Office 2007 suite and people have issues trying to open simple files like word documents…

the systems are

Windows XP (SP3)

Novell Network with novell client

Office 2007

when they try to open a word document from a usual network share word presents a message reporting

Access Denied Contact Administrator

So we assumed network permissions, none of which have changed…so try the same file with Wordpad and it opens fine, be it with formating issues of course…

Now copy the file to your desktop, which is not redirected, and you can open the file in word as normal…

so does anyone know if office 2007 uses some new permission when opening files? does it create temps or something…

any pointers would be appreciated

Best Answer

Well after every windows update known to mankind and .net me nowhere..

But a fresh install of Windows XP, service packs and updates...then install Office 2007 all is good...

So the only solution I have so far is a fresh install :(

Hope someone knows a better one or no one has the same problem


It now seems that users that log off and then log back in receive the access denied message, it all works if the machine is rebooted...