Office 2007 running under Windows 7 is slow to save files to network

microsoft-office-2007performancewindows 7

Saving an Excel or Word 2007 file to a network share is very slow in Office 2007. It might take as long as two minutes two save a 100kb file. What could be causing this?

The network share is hosted on a Windows 2003 server.

Best Answer

I am going to assume your network connection is just fine, and you are local to the server (i.e not VPN'ing in). You didn't specify whether this was just yourself, or everybody having the issue, however that is pretty irrelevant to my answer.

I've seen Office hang for a while on save and/or print dialog boxes when you have either a network printer which is no longer in service, or mapped network drives pointing to non-existent/unavailable servers.

Is it just Office which is slow to save, or any application? Try opening Notepad and attempting to save to the same file server. Also, when doing a \\SERVERNAME, can you browse the share(s) relatively quickly?

If you have physical access to the server or can RDP to it, fire up Task Manager and check you've not got something eating away all of the CPU. While you're in Task Manager, check the memory usage isn't excessive too.