OK to replace 2 SAS HDs with 2 SATA II SSDs on PE2900


Is it OK to replace 2 SAS HDs with 2 SSDs on a PE2900 with a PERC 5/i Integrated RAID controller?

In both cases, the drives are configured as a RAID 1 system volume (OS and programs).

In addition to the RAID 1 volume the RAID controller supports two RAID 10 data volumes, each consisting of four SAS HDs.

I read the post about installing 2.5" SSDs in the drive caddies of a PE2950; it seems that what I'm asking is physically possible. I'm wondering if SAS and SATA II can be combined on the same backplane and RAID controller.


Best Answer

You lucky fellow.

I can't give you a straight answer, but I can point you here - this site mentions that you can obtain a cable to connect 4x drives to a SAS connector. I'm not sure of the specifics of your server, but it possibly already contains one of said cables?