On a modern system, will using disk compression give me better overall performance

compressionhard driveperformance

It seems that CPU increases have outpaced disk speed for a while. Assuming a desktop or laptop with modern dual core Intel/AMD CPU and a single average SATA disk, would doing compression on most all of the disk give better overall performance? Basically does the reduced disk bandwidth more than make up for the increased CPU load? I'm sure the real answer is "it depends on what you're doing". By asking this question, I'm hoping to have someone who has done this pipe up and give some examples or pitfalls.

Best Answer

Yes, disk compression can provide better performance under particular circumstances:

  • Your application is disk throughput bound: modern CPUs and (de)compression algorithms can run at much higher bandwidth than modern disks in long transfers. Any reduction at all in the amount of data moving to or from disk platters is a win in this circumstance
  • It takes less time to (de)compress data that's going to disk platters than the difference in transfer times, and you have CPU cycles to spare

There's a reason both ZFS and Btrfs, both recent green-field designs, include provisions for compression.

In the HPC space, when an application is checkpointing from memory to disk, the CPUs are frequently not doing anything useful at all. This time is essentially pure overhead. Any use of the CPUs to reduce this time is a win.

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