Open source jabber based website “live chat” / “live help” system

ajaxinstant-messagingopen sourcexmpp

I don't know if this belongs on SF, SU or SO… let's try SF first.

I'm looking for a "live help" system for website which uses Jabber/XMPP as a backend… so that website visitors could click a "Chat Now" button, and using AJAX, chat with operators who are already set up using Jabber accounts. Something very much like J-Livesupport but without a jabber server (I already have one) and preferably OSS/free.

Openfire's Fastpath Webchat is perfect except you must use Openfire's Spark client. No dice there.

Before I build my own, anyone know of anything out there?

Best Answer

Take a look at

All of them rely on an existing XMPP server with HTTP-poll or HTTP-bind.