OpenIndiana ZFS with shareiscsi property missing


I'm trying to present a ZFS file system as an iSCSI target. This is ultimately for using it with OS X Time Machine, but that should be irrelevant in this question.

# zfs get all | grep scsi

From several blog posts, it appears it should have a "shareiscsi" property. But just to be thorough, I installed the iscsi target package, hoping it would show up:

# pkg install pkg:/network/iscsi/target
# svcadm enable -rs network/iscsi/target
# svcs | grep scsi
online         Mar_30   svc:/network/iscsi/initiator:default
online          6:02:56 svc:/network/iscsi/target:default

Still no shareiscsi in the properties. I did see a blog post about having to install "SUNWiscsitgt" but according to pkg, it is obsolete:

# pkg info -r SUNWiscsitgt
Name: SUNWiscsitgt
State: Not installed (Obsolete)

What am I missing?

Best Answer

It appears OpenIndiana does not use the shareiscsi property. Also (perhaps relatedly) COMSTAR is not included as part of the base installation. So I fired up a fresh OpenIndiana VM and ran the following commands and was able to create, share and mount a sparse LUN without any drama:

sudo -s
pkg install network/iscsi/target
svcadm enable -s stmf
svcadm enable -s iscsi/target
zfs create -o mountpoint=none rpool/iscsi
zfs create -V 8G -s rpool/iscsi/yourmom
sbdadm create-lu /dev/zvol/rdsk/rpool/iscsi/yourmom
sbdadm list-lu

Use that GUID from the sbdadm output (my GUID below):

stmfadm add-view 600144f096c28d0000004dbeb9df0001
itadm create-target
itadm list-target

Take your target name (example: and put it in to your iSCSI initiator (I use the free globalSAN iSCSI on my mac) along with the IP address (or hostname) of your OpenIndiana box. Tada.

Source: Setting up COMSTAR and iSCSI target on the Nexenta Wiki.