OpenSUSE 13.1 pam_ldap error trying to bind invalid credentials


Environment: new install of openSUSE 13.1 into a internal network of mostly 10.2 and 10.3 openSUSE. LDAP server (@(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.3.19 (Jul 28 2006 17:00:02)) running on SUSE LE 10 .

Attempting to configure new 13.1 ldap client host ("main") using nss_ldap and pam_ldap (i.e., not using the SSSD). All older clients working fine w/ LDAP server.

Get following error when ssh to new host "main" (some info obsured) from older host "test":

    Sep 19 11:17:43 main sshd[10460]: Invalid user XXX from
    Sep 19 11:17:43 main sshd[10460]: input_userauth_request: invalid user XXX [preauth]
    Sep 19 11:17:43 main sshd[10460]: Postponed keyboard-interactive for invalid user XXX from port 57170 ssh2 [preauth]
    Sep 19 11:17:47 main sshd[10462]: pam_ldap: error trying to bind as user "uid=XXX,ou=people,dc=XXX,dc=YYYY,dc=org" (Invalid credentials)
    Sep 19 11:17:47 main sshd[10460]: error: PAM: Authentication failure for illegal user XXX from
  1. getent passwd XXX — returns nothing
  2. getent group GGG – returns the ldap group info for known group GGG
  3. main:/etc # ldapsearch -x -L -u -t "(uid=XXX)" – returns the LDAP info on user XXX

My /etc/pam.d/common-password is:

    password        requisite  nullok cracklib remember=
    password        sufficient    use_authtok nullok
    password        required     try_first_pass use_authtok

My /etc/pam.d/common-auth is:

    auth    required
    auth    sufficient
    auth    required     use_first_pass

What am I missing/forgetting?

Best Answer

Got resolution by adding "+::::::" to end of local files (passwd & shadow) --- now able to ssh to ldap-based accounts from the new openSUSE 13.1 host...but there surely must be something within my pams that is still wrong and this is just a kludge (?) Or does the openSUSE 13.1 install incorrectly not add that ending tag to the file?