OpenVPN and TomatoVPN


Wondering if someone can help me with the following.

I have updated my Linksys router with TomatoVPN and used the following config:

Interface Type:TAP
Firewall Custom
Authorization Mode:Static Key

I have then inserted the static key generated in OpenVPN saved and started the service.


# Use the following to have your client computer send all traffic through your router
# (remote gateway)
remote (entered my DNS/DHCP servers external IP address here)
port 1195
dev tap
secret static.key.txt
proto udp

I've then placed my static key in a file in the same directory as your connect.ovpn (static.key.txt)

Now OpenVPN is installed on a laptop that I use at home. I have plugged in the laptop to my home connection and started connect.ovpn

The Local Area Connection is connected as 'Home Network 3' – and when I start OpenVPN it is connected as 'Local Area Connection 2' and this is showing as 'Unidentified Network' and it appears there is no network access.

TAP-Win32 Adapter V9 appears to be the adaptors name and the IP and DNS properties are set to automatic. If I open up the OpenVPN GUI it shows an error message saying "Connecting to connect has failed". Looking at the error message behind this pop-up one line says "TCP/UDP Socket bind failed on local address [undef]:1195 Address already in use [WSAEADDRINUSE] Could anyone possibly help me further with this please?

Best Answer

Not sure if this will help or not as I use OpenVPN (Server) on DD-WRT but on the OpenVPN Windows client-side I just could not connect until I added the following to the .ovpn file:

script-security 2 system

Then it just worked.

Don't know why that config option isn't front and center in the docs I read.