OpenVPN client for Windows 7 64-bit

openvpnwindows 7

I've been trying to get the OpenVPN client to install on a Windows 7 laptop, and so far none of the various versions work. Some won't install at all (one version's .exe installer humorously told me that "OpenVPN is not supported on Windows"), other have problems during or after installation with a library (libeay32.dll I think).

I know that there are people who've successfully gotten it working, but I'm out of ideas. The versions I've tried are 2.0.9, 2.2 beta 3, 2.1.3, and a couple others. I think 2.0.9 gets farthest, but "tapinstall.exe" doesn't work (and gives no explanation of what happened; it just prints a message that it failed).

Best Answer

OpenVPN 2.1.3 from installs and works fine.