OpenVPN Perfect Forward Secrecy Key – Privacy Requirements


On my OpenVPN server I generate a pfs.key file (perfect forward secrecy) using the command openvpn --genkey --secret pfs.key, in my client configuration file it includes this pfs.key file (and in server configuration file), so my question is, is it 'safe' to give clients the generated pfs.key file? I.e. Would giving clients the pfs.key file be of any concern in terms of security?

The client config includes the pfs.key file like so

tls-auth /path/to/pfs.key

Best Answer

You are using the keys in the wrong way if the key you generate with easyrsa gen-dh is being used in the tls-auth line.

The file you generate with easyrsa gen-dh only needs to be added to the server configuration via the dh dh.pem configuration line.

The parameters are just primes, not keys. They don't need to be unique or secret, but they must also not be specially crafted by an attacker.

The key you use for the tls-auth should have been generated using a command like openvpn --genkey --secret ta.key

Your key used for the tls-auth should be kept as secret as possible. The clients that connect must know it, but you don't want to hand it out to people that shouldn't have access. This is a shared secret. It isn't actually required for OpenVPN to be secure, it just adds an additional layer of authentication.