Openvpn – generating client.ovpn file on android


I am developing a open source application wrapper over OpenVPN library for Android. For that I need to generate openvpn conf file.

I have followed OpenVPN how but did not understand how to generate .conf file on Android.

Is there any way to generate .conf/ .ovpn file locally on Android device ?

I could generate .cert and RSA private key and OpenVPN static key but I am still not clear about generating CA certificate for a particular client.

is there anything ( server side certificate /private key)I need to get from server.

I am still learning certificate based authentication for OpenVPN so my question can be a little naive so please bear with it 🙂

Best Answer

You have to write configuration files on your own. OpenVPN server administrator should provide client configuration file. Configuration file for client looks almost the same on Linux/Windows/Android/etc.. For client you have to generate "client certificate", not "CA certificate". Maybe you should read more about PKI ( If you are using certificates for authentication, then client should have configuration file, DH file, CA certificate, private and public client keys to work.