Openvpn – Getting openvpn client to forward all traffic through server


I am trying to set up an openvpn server and client, with all client traffic being routed through the server. I am currently able to access the server through the client, but when I enable 'push "redirect-gateway def1"' on the server, the client loses all ability to connect to the internet, vpn or otherwise. In addition, it can no longer connect to the server, though lan connectivity is still fine. My server config file is:

local ***.***

port 1194

proto tcp

dev tun

ca ca.crt
cert server.crt
key server.key

dh dh2048.pem


ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt

push "redirect-gateway local def1"

keepalive 10 120



status openvpn-status.log

verb 3

and here's the client:


dev tun

proto tcp

remote ***.*** 1194

resolv-retry infinite



ca ca.crt
cert laptop.crt
key laptop.key

ns-cert-type server


verb 3

On the server, I enabled ip forwarding and enabled routing via iptables:

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

but the client is still not able to connect to anything on the VPN or the internet.

Best Answer

For reference, the relevant section of the HOWTO is here, though I suspect you've followed that.

The first thing I'd try is to remove the 'local', that is the command should be

push "redirect-gateway def1"

and not

push "redirect-gateway local def1"

The local flag only works if all of your clients are on the same subnet.

A couple of other things to be aware of are that DNS traffic is routed through the vpn so you won't be able to resolve addresses unless you've dealt with that. DHCP can also get forwarded though it doesn't look like that should happen in your case as you're using a routed not a bridged VPN, but might be worth checking anyway.