Openvpn – How to let unprivileged user change/add route in Win7? OpenVPN client configuration

openvpnuser-permissionswindows 7

I have a Win7 laptop with OpenVPN installed. The normal user is an unprivileged user without knowledge of the administrator password.

When running as an administrator, everything works fine with setting up the OpenVPN tunnel, but I cannot get a regular unprivileged user to perform the final stage (adding default route in setting up the tunnel without UAC asking for the administrator password.

By online searches I've found two possible ways:

  • Set up the OpenVPN client as a service
  • Start the OpenVPN GUI as a "scheduled task"

Both of these ways seems to have their own set of problems, so I wonder if there is no way to get the unprivileged user to get the rights to perform "add route" using the OpenVPN client without knowing and entering the admininstrator password?

Best Answer

You may want to try using the OpenVPN MI GUI: