Openvpn – Initiating VPN connection from VPN server


I have a setup with a local host A behind a firewall acting as VPN client and a VPN server B which is publicly reachable. This setup works fine using openvpn.

Now what I would like to do is to reverse the setup, meaning have the VPN server locally on host A and the VPN client externally on host B. The problem here is of course that the VPN client on host B can't see (resolve) my local host A behind the firewall without the VPN. Therefore the normal connection from VPN client to VPN server does not work.

If there was a way to initiate the connection from the local VPN server to the VPN client, everything would be fine. Is there such a way?

Best Answer

What you're asking to do breaks the commonly recognised client/server model. Clients will always initiate connections to servers.

The only way that this is usually resolved is by brokering the connection in the middle with a publically addressable common host. This is how Hamachi works in such situations.

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