Openvpn – Pfsense OpenVPN Site to Site Routing issues


I know this question has been asked a plethora of times before and I have looked over probably 100 different answers and still can't seem to get this to work.

I'm trying to create a very simple site to site openvpn connection. I have the connection setup and working between the two locations however I cannot get the routing setup to communicate between the devices on the different networks.

Site A (Main):

enter image description here

Site B:

enter image description here

VPN Tunnel:

enter image description here

Trace Route fails after first attempt so the it looks like the route isn't working at all.

Any help would be fantastic!

Best Answer

Answer comes in form of a question. Where is your NAT rule which is going to translate outbound traffic? You should have outbound NAT on the site of your server set like this:

Interface: the one you are using for your tunnel

Protocol: any

Source: network from other site

Destination: any

And under translation

Adress: interface address

You need outbound NAT because otherwise you aren't able to use tunnel. Simply because your router don't know the route to the network on the other site. But if you translate source address to your tunnel interface address then it will be able to respond.